[ Friday 13 July 2007 ]
| #include <slu_ddefs.h>
| ***************************************************************************
|****** UNABLE to CONFIGURE with GIVEN OPTIONS    (see configure.log for
| details):
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|------------ --with-superlu-lib=['/usr/lib/libsuperlu.so'] and
| --with-superlu-include=/usr/include/superlu did not work
| ***************************************************************************
| Is it possible there's a version mismatch?  Christophe, is it possible
| that the Debian package doesn't install this (optional?) header file?
| The directory /usr/include/superlu has:
| Cnames.h  csp_defs.h  dsp_defs.h  ssp_defs.h     util.h
| colamd.h  dcomplex.h  scomplex.h  supermatrix.h  zsp_defs.h


I have uploaded the latest version of superlu, here are the header files

ls  /usr/include/superlu/
colamd.h      slu_cdefs.h   slu_dcomplex.h  slu_scomplex.h  slu_util.h   
old_colamd.h  slu_Cnames.h  slu_ddefs.h     slu_sdefs.h     slu_zdefs.h

Let me know if there are any issues with it.

Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~prudhomm/
Scientific computing packages maintainer
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