On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 01:03:44AM +0100, Lee Braiden wrote:
> Do either of you know what the next usual step is after loading libXext and 
> libXcursor when and X and/or gtk app starts up?  I tried stepping through the 
> code with gdb/ddd, but I ran into some problem that I forget now -- probably 
> just due to my lack of gdb skills.
> > Another thing which came to my mind is, do you have CONFIG_PREEMPT=y in
> > your kernel configuration?
Would it make sense to add some trivial "prinkf"s to main(), just to see
if we ever "get there". The core dump doesn't show this.
Prinkf-"Debugging" is quiet painfull, but hey ;)

You could also try to unlink the whole system using
/etc/default/prelink, just to be absolutely sure.
 -- Guido

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