Please start rng in a console (xterm or something similar) with
debug-output enabled:

  rng --loglevel=debug

Then reproduce this bug and send me the console output.

$ rng --loglevel=debug
root         INFO     Logger initialized with level debug.
MainWindow   INFO     Logger initialized.
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'r']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u're']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'rep']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'repo']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'repor']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'report']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'reportb']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'reportbu']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'reportbug']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'reportbug-']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'reportbug-n']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: [u'reportbug-ng']
MainWindow   DEBUG    neg: [], pos: []
Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method
MyMainWindow.loadAllBugSummaries of <ui.MyMainWindow.MyMainWindow object at
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/share/reportbug-ng/ui/", line 181, in
   bugs = DebianBTS.getBugsByQuery(query)
 File "/usr/share/reportbug-ng/lib/", line 67, in
   l = __soapGetBugsByQuery(query)
 File "/usr/share/reportbug-ng/lib/", line 181, in
   return __soapGetStatus(__soapGetBugs(*__translate_query(query)))
 File "/usr/share/reportbug-ng/lib/", line 206, in
   return soapServer.get_bugs(*query)
 File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/SOAPpy/", line 421, in
   return self.__r_call(*args, **kw)
 File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/SOAPpy/", line 443, in
   self.__hd, self.__ma)
 File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/SOAPpy/", line 345, in
   config = self.config)
 File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/SOAPpy/", line 249, in
   raise HTTPError(code, msg)
SOAPpy.Errors.HTTPError: <HTTPError 302 Moved Temporarily>
MainWindow   DEBUG    CloseEvent triggered.

There might be something wrong with the proxy-feature I've enabled a few
versions ago. Is the http_proxy environment variable set accordingly?
Please paste the output of

  echo $http_proxy

It is correct:

$ echo $http_proxy

You should also try to start rng with the http_proxy variable temporary

  http_proxy='' rng

and tell me if this works for you.

No, it doesn't work

By the way, if you allow me to abuse, two wishes (basically, two
capabilities of reportbug missing in reportbug-ng):

a) Remind what critical, grave, etc means anytime we report a bug.
b) Allow to send directly through an SMTP, and from the email address we
type, without an email application (very useful if we use a gmail account)



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