
Jiří Paleček wrote:
> I tried to check some simple program usign floats and discovered it
> was impossible with why. The reason is that the file WhyFloats.v is
> missing, which is caused by the float library missing during the
> build. I think it should be possible to check programs with floats,
> which could be accomplished by three ways:
> Take the float library from http://coq.inria.fr/contribs/Float.tar.gz
> and either
> - add it to the coq-libs package, and make why build-dep on coq-libs
> - make an extra package coq-lib-float, and -"-
> - add this library to the why package itself
> What do you think?

First, sorry for taking so long for answering.

I think that I'll go for a new package (coq-lib-float) and make why
depend on it (or at least recommend it). Thanks for your feedback on
this package.



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