On 14 Apr 2005, sean finney wrote:
> - how often does this happen?

About every 2 hours.

By the way, http://cyril.bouthors.org/tmp/status.cgi.html is now
working again.

> - is it regular, or sporadic?


> - is there anything else from your syslog from around these times?


> - are there any cronjobs that coincide with this?

The crontab is ~100 lines long but nothing is related to Nagios
(except the stupid script that restart it in this case).

> - what else is running on this server?

Apache, MySQL, CVS, NFS, arpwatch, snmpd, log2mail, DHCP, SSH, RSYNC,
Munin, MRTG, Exim4, ircd-hybrid, hddtemp, Bind.

None of those interferes with Nagios.
Cyril Bouthors

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