owner 166994 !
notfound 166994 1.4.9-3

Hi,  hence I've an ITA for this bug, I'm changing the  ownership.

I try to reproduce the bug On the current version at unstable(1.4.9-3)
and on the newest upstream version(1.5.1), with the code that you post

Now, Quota::strerr() return a #0 value.
The changes to the Quota values are working too

I look info on the Upstream Changelog about this bug, I did'nt find it,
I'm adding tags, but, I'm still not closing, I'll prefer to recive more
info, but IMHO the bug seens solved.

Rene Mauricio Mayorga   |          GPG: A209C305
http://rmayorga.org     |          
08B6 58AB A691 DD56 C30B  8D37 8040 19FA A209 C305

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