On 03/08/07, Marc-André Lureau wrote:
> *Ready* :) ready to what? Release it? How does that happen? you just have to
> put it in the incoming queue?

Yes. But before that, I'd like to respond to all your earlier mails.

First of all, you weren't actually being rude. It's just that it took
time for me to take proper note of the fact that you've already spent
a lot of time preparing the package. And, it got me to see your CDBS
package, which looks very neat, and it was a learning experience for
me as well.

Now, adding you to collab-maint is Loic's task, since you've asked him.

About [EMAIL PROTECTED], it's the e-mail address which can be used to
specify various tags on Debian bugs. For example, some of the mails I
sent earlier (making me the owner, then returning ownership to you),
were all done with the simple commands at the top of the mail and
CC'ing them to control. It's pretty easy, see the e-mail related link
and "Advanced..." link in bugs.debian.org and you should be up to
speed in no time.

> Kumar ? would you like to take care of it? Should we do co-maintenance?
> I don't know how that could work, but sounds good :)

Since you've done bulk of the packaging work, it is only correct that
you be the maintainer of the package. But, if you say, I'd love to
help out on the package.

Co-maintaining is like this: you're the maintainer, and I'm the
co-maintainer. If this is the case, you achieve two goals. One is, you
are accepting me as a partner in maintaining, and we cooperate when
the package is updated, with e-mail exchanges and uploads. Second, if
you are too busy when the package needs attention, and I'm free, I can
attend to it and initiate the upload, and vice-versa. And if you
accept me as co-maintainer, <selfish>this package will be listed as a
package in my Debian QA page</selfish>! :-D

Now, to finish off things and hand it over to Loic, once you get the
account added to collab-maint, check out the stuff using the
svn+ssh:// command which Loic mentioned. Then, edit the control file
and add me as Uploader, just below Loic's name. Then, about the
changelog, I think a fresh, clean changelog is needed, though Loic can
confirm on this one. You should change UNRELEASED to unstable, and
ensure that you say "Initial Release: (Closes: #398198)" as one of the
changelog entries. Then, just do an svn-buildpackage with proper
options and upload the built package somewhere (mentors?) from where
Loic picks it up and uploads it to ftp-master. Clear? :-) Then, I
think we'll have to tag the version in svn or something, but that's
something I don't know much about. Loic should clear this doubt.

So, just get going, and let's see the package enter Debian! Thanks for
the effort, and all the best! :-)

Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600036

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