Romain Francoise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Claudius 'x2017' Hubig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> when using the deskbar-applet, you always need to delete earlier
>> typed text when wanting to invoke a new command. Thus, it'd be
>> nice if the deskbar field could just be "cleaned" after a command
>> was invoked.
>The text of the old command should be selected, so you can just
>begin typing your new command, it will replace the text.

Oh, yes, it *is* selected - but somehow, instantly unselected what
makes it impossible to "overwrite" the old text without using the
mouse more than once.

Additionally, this is bad, e. g. when you try to do the following:
Print a file to the console (e. g. remote) using cat/whatever, then
mark everything you get, go to your deskbar, type "bluefish" there to
open the editor and try to paste everything in there - you'll get
nothing since the text in the console (gnome-terminal) is un-marked
due to the deskbar.

IMHO, it'd be much easier just to clean the field after invoking the
deskbar and it would look somewhat "cleaner", too. ;)



(Of course, an option to do this or not in the preferences dialog
would be great, too!)

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