Hi Rogério


On Sun, Aug 19, 2007 at 09:09:08AM -0300, Rogério Brito wrote:
> Just for your information, I used to have success with MoL during the
> 2.4 era, when BenH tree was *the* tree to use to have your system
> working with Linux. It's been a long time.

I don't think 2.4 is still support. You need a 2.6 kernel for any recent
version of mol.

> > This is a small TODO list from the top of my head:
> > - check configure options we could activate (especially pci-proxy
> >   support and debugger support)
> I don't know exactly what is meant by the pci-proxy support.

This is code in MOL which enables you to directly access a pci device on
the host (linux) from inside the guest system (macos). E.g. to use the
airport card from macos.

> > - better support for running linux inside mol (probably this is
> >   currently broken, guest side drivers are not packaged for debian,
> >   sources are in the old mol bk archive, snapshot at
> >   http://pkg-mol.alioth.debian.org/bk_checkouts/bk_checkouts.tar.bz2)
> Running MacOS X 10.3 (or was it 10.2) with iTunes was doable, but I
> never tried playing with running MacOS 9 nor with Linux inside MoL. It
> would be a nice thing to try, though.

Testing current MOL packages with Mac OS 9 would be very good. I don't
have Mac OS 9 anymore.

> > - fix building mol twice in a row (double compilation support release
> >   goal!)
> Depending on the package structure, it can be easier. Is Samuel still
> upstream for MoL or has the debian-mol-team taken the duty of having it
> upstream?

Samuel is MIA. The new upstream is Joseph Jezak. MOL is now hosted on

> What kind of patch system is being used? I'm familiar with quilt, but
> not with dpatch (not that I couldn't learn, guess or pester with some
> questions about it). :-)

It uses dpatch and svn-buildpackage. But dpatch isn't hard to learn if
you know quilt.

> > - check and possibly package new gui frontend (svn module mol-gui at
> >   mac-on-linux.sf.net)
> I went to the site and skimmed through, but I didn't see anything
> regarding a GUI. What is meant as a gui for MoL? Wouldn't it run anymore
> in a Window or in a separate console?

The GUI is only in svn and according to Joe not yet ready for
production. The idea is to have something like the VMWare GUI where you
can also change configuration settings.


Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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