On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 17:25:12 +0200
Sven Arvidsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 19:56 -0400, A. Costa wrote:
> > On Thu, 09 Aug 2007 23:44:07 +0200
> > Sven Arvidsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Okay, what version of shared-mime-info have you installed?
> > 
> >     % dlocate -s shared-mime-info  | grep Ver
> >     Version: 0.22-1
> Hrm, I still can't reproduce this, let's see if we can find out if
> it's something with nautilus or shared-mime-info.
> Install xdg-utils...

        % dlocate -s xdg-utils | grep Vers
        Version: 1.0.1-2

> ...and try this command;
>         xdg-mime query filetype SpaceMonger.exe

        % xdg-mime query filetype Desktop/SpaceMonger.exe ; echo $?
        xdg-mime: no method available for quering MIME type of 

        # if it matters...
        % file Desktop/SpaceMonger.exe ; echo $?
        Desktop/SpaceMonger.exe: symbolic link to `/mnt/c/Program 

> It should say application/x-executable.
> Also try 
>         xdg-open SpaceMonger.exe
> It should launch the file with Wine.

        # command line output
        % xdg-open Desktop/SpaceMonger.exe ; echo $?
        method return sender=:1.4 -> dest=:1.5 reply_serial=2

What happened was that 'abiword' started, and attempted to open
'Desktop/SpaceMonger.exe', which makes 'abiword' hang, or at least pause
longer than I was willing to wait -- hence, 'xkill': result Zombie
processes, argh.
> There's also a couple of other things you could try;
> * See if you have any local customisations made to the mime database
> in ~/.local/share/mime

I'm not really sure what to look for.  Attached is an archive of that
directory -- the file is small, not much in there.

> * Make sure the mime database is up to date, run as root;
>         update-mime-database /usr/share/mime

Done.  No obvious improvement.
> * Temporary add a new user to your system and see if you can reproduce
> this with a fresh setup.

My Debian system (and X session) is too busy today...  unfortunately my
current window manager/GUI desktop environment, xfce4, doesn't (so far
as I know) allow me to start another session as another user.  Under
KDE it would be easy.  Unless you know of a way around that, I'll take
a raincheck, and tell you how it goes when this system is less busy...

Attachment: mime.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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