
I do not agree at all with you having downgraded the bug, but I won't
upgrade it back. If some of the maintainers wants to upgrade it, I let them
assume this responsibility...

It is hilarious: the bug opened for almost two months, lot of people reading
it, very deep discussions about whether it is or not a bug, and now you
come, and *without reading the discussion*, you downgrade it...

If removing essential packages in gnome, and the ONLY display manager that
is installed (gdm) is not a bug, I'll eat my hat. *Imagine the effect on a
not-so-experienced user*.

The auto-remove function is for removing packages that are *already not
required*. If gdm is "already not required", I'll eat my hat.

The option of auto-removing was included to make life a bit easier.
Otherwise, we can use "Linux from scratch" instead of Debian. If you do not
want the auto-remove option, don't include it. But, *if you decide to
include this feature, it must not have this behaviour*.

Two hypotheses about this behaviour are (but I am not sure at all):

a) That apt regards pakages that were installed at Debian's installation
time as automatically installed.
b) That apt regards pakages that were installed before the new version of
apt (the one with the auto-remove feature) as automatically installed.


On 29/08/2007, Filipus Klutiero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How is autoremoving a lot a bug?

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