Adam D. Barratt wrote:
On Monday, April 18, 2005 4:07 PM, Olleg Samoylov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Default dpkg.conf include force-overwrite. This is improper. All
"force" options must be setted by admin explicitly.

This is only the case on the first install of the dpkg package, when the package is being configured. Since d-i does not use dpkg to install dpkg, the postinst is never called with --configure, and as such an install using d-i will not create the file.

This is by design, so that the installer can modify the contents of the file
if required.

Yes, I installed debian from scratch to deeply invetigate it. And I expect properly working packages without d-i. If you need /etc/dpkg/dpkg.conf for d-i - touch it, don't copy it from example.

Olleg Samoylov

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