On Tuesday 19 April 2005 07:45, Christian Perrier wrote:
> This is why I suggested considering the "--directisa" at least
> in sarge. If it does not harm, as suggested by hwclock man page, why
> not do it?

Can we we 100% sure it does no harm, even on other archs than i386?
I would think the risk of breaking other systems/installations outweighs 
the advantage of working around a known issue for what is still a small 
group of users.

> I don't have the reference you mention above available to read now but
> from what I understand, the workaround is not really obvious to end
> users, am I wrong?

Not as it is documented now, but that could be improved in the run-up to 
the release of Sarge (errata, release notes, manual?).
Maybe it is time to start formulating a policy on what type of issues 
should be documented in which document and how these should be 

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