package traceproto
found 439446 1.1.2beta1-3
reopen 439446


On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 03:17:06PM +0000, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
>  traceproto (1.1.2beta1-3) unstable; urgency=low
>    * [debian/rules, debian/postinst, debian/prerm] Manage /usr/bin/traceproto
>      through the alternatives mechanism, to cooperate with a new traceroute
>      release that includes a compatibility wrapper. (Closes: #439446)

traceroute puts both, traceproto binary as well as traceproto manpage in
Debian alternatives. traceproto only ships an alternatived binary but
no alternatived manpage. This leads to the traceproto manpage being not

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/holbe% debsums -s traceproto
debsums: can't open traceproto file /usr/share/man/man8/traceproto.8.gz (No 
such file or directory)

There are two major products that come from Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
We don't believe this to be a coincidence.    -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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