On Wed, Sep 05, 2007, Alain Bench wrote:
> > unfortunately, [pager's <flag-message>] only works for the
> > "important" flag
>     The pager has functions for manipulating many flags:
> | flag        key     function                help
> |---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | !   F       <flag-message>          toggle a message's 'important' flag
> | N   N       <mark-as-new>           toggle a message's 'new' flag
> | D   d       <delete-message>        delete the current entry
> | D   u       <undelete-message>      undelete the current entry
> | *   t       <tag-message>           tag the current entry
> |---------------------------------------------------------------------------

 This is quite weird; I learnt over time what the various flags of Mutt
 were for -- as these are seen in message lists -- and I was happy to
 manipulate flags via w / W keybindings: I only had to learn about w and
 W.  But now, after 5 years of Mutt's usage, I discover that I should
 special case the pager with different keybindings: first I can't type
 the familiar w / W keybindings, second I have to learn one keybinding
 per flag (instead of a single keybinding), and third the new
 keybindings toggle flags instead of setting/unsetting them.
   Perhaps some people find the set of "toggle" keybindings more useful
 or more practical but I personally like remembering the general purpose
 w / W keybindings.
   What I'm requesting is simply consistency of the available
 keybindings: that w / W should be available and act the same whenever
 I'm possibly acting on a message.  The d, N, u, t, F keybindings act
 exactly the same in pager and index views, so the principle of least
 surprise would suggest that w should too.  :)

> | macro pager <F42>   <exit><set-flag>O<display-message>      "mark message 
> Old"
> | macro pager <F43>   <exit><clear-flag>O<display-message>    "mark message 
> read"
>     Unfortunately it's not possible to prompt the user in the middle of
> a macro. The macro has to embed the response.


 While I trust that this would actually solve my personal configuration
 issue, how would you feel if you were to explain the w / W keybinding
 of Mutt to a new user and had to explain that w / W works only in the
 index and not in the pager and "you have to use other keybindings in
 the pager or you have to add this configuration snippet"?

>     Natural, I agree. OTOS this would mean more code. And a longer list
> of functions, when we already have so many that users may be lost.

 I think consistency is more important to end-users.  Learning vim is
 easy because it's consistent.  You can easily remember how to delete 12
 lines or how to yank 42 lines because you can always combine the number
 of times you want to do an action with the action keybinding.  The same
 goes for actions on Vim's storage registers or actions on ranges etc.

 I suppose the amount of additional code is still presumably small as
 the logic is already present in the index.

 And wouldn't it be more consistent in the code too if you had to
 maintain the same per-message functions in index and pager views?

Loïc Minier

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