On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 21:13:42 +0100, Jeroen van Wolffelaar writes:
>On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 09:40:03AM +0100, Klaus Ita wrote:
>> if you have a bigger backup (i have about 4.5G) duplicity tends to fill
>> up my /tmp/ which is only 200M big and then fully locks up.

>Also the names of the files in /tmp are very generic, and it's not obvious
>at all where they come from, also because the contents are 'data'
>(according to file). I only just discovered the culprit.

that part is done: 0.4.3 now creates tempfiles as /tmp/duplicity.blah.

however, i can't reproduce the problem at all :-(
the worst i've seen is a single temp chunk being left over, but by default
that's only 5meg. 

could any of you plagued by this issue please retry with 0.4.3 and send me
some more debugging info (directly; no need to clutter the bts)?


+ Alexander Zangerl + DSA 42BD645D + (RSA 5B586291)
Q. what do you get whan you cross a tsetse with a mountain climber?
A. nothing, you can't cross a vector with a scalar.

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