
Andreas Fuchs wrote (13 Oct 2006 10:13:37 GMT) :
> Well, doing it isn't so hard; the code is already in the file,
> AFAICT. I'm no longer using gnus, though (or reading debian
> development groups), so testing a fix is pretty hard for me
> right now.
> That way, Frank can set anti-debian-devel-announce-group-name to the
> gnus group name debian-devel-announce mail lands in, and bug numbers
> will be highlighted - package names, too.

Well, sure, the code to highlight bug numbers is already working
great, and already provides a way to open the related BTS page in
a browser.

But the original wishlist bug (#218286) submitter asked for a way to
read such bugs as a Gnus ephemeral group, using the functionality
provided by debian-bug.el.

Quoting the original submitter :
« what I really love about debian-bug.el is the option to read bugs as
mail, instead of opening them in a web browser. It's more seamless and
you don't have to leave the One True Editor. Would be great to have
the same option for gnus-BTS.el! I.e. reading a mail in gnus, do RET
or middle-mouse-click on a bug number and read the referenced bug
report just as any other news posting in gnus. »

Then Peter S Galbraith suggested several ways to implement this :
« You could have a defcustom to set whether the button calls
browse-url or debian-bug-get-bug-as-email or prompt via a pop-up
menu. »

But well, since you don’t use Gnus anymore, I guess you’re not
interested in writing such code, are you ?

  intrigeri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  | gnupg key @ http://intrigeri.boum.org/intrigeri.asc
  | We're dreaming of something else.
  | Something more clandestine, something happier.

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