R*umor N_e-w,s : Oncol-o+gy M.e'd'. I*n-c+. (OT-C: O_NCO) a Canc+er Tr*eat*ment Solu tio'ns Gr-oup is s,a i,d to h*a*v e experien**ced o.v_e r a 10-00% incre,as,e in r'+evenues f'o-r t+h+e f+iscal 3'r_d quarte*r end,ing J+u.l'y+, 2.0,0 7 c.ompare*d w-i't_h t.h.e pri*or y,e*a*r w'hile fi+scal fo*urth qua'rter resul,ts f'o'r 2 0+0'7 a,r'e on tr'ack to e+xceed t*h,i-s year-’s thir'd qu,arter resul*ts.

O N_C,O additional_,ly pl,ans to i+ncreas.e servi_ce of.fer*ings w hich a r'e cu.rr,ently un**derway. Do_n’t w*a i.t f*o-r t*h e n-e w_s to c-o-m+e o.u*t a*n.d l.o.s-e t'h e oppo.rtunit_y to g+e*t in fr ont of the

gener_al in,v esting p*ublic. Onco +logy M.e*d is in a mul tibil+lion dol lar in*-dustry w*h-e*r*e

t_h_e'y a+r_e gainin,g m+arket shar e rapidly+. C+a-l+l y,o.u.r brok-er n,o.w f*o-r O N*C'O*.

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