Ru_mor N,e,w s*: O.-ncology M.e.d . I_n+c*. (*OTC: ONC,O) a Can.cer Treatm-*ent Solu.,tions G.roup is s a+i-d to h-a v+e e.xperienc_ed o'v_e,r a 1000*% incre,as_e in reve*nu es f+o.r t.h e fis_cal 3*r*d quart_er en-ding J*u l-y_, 2.0 0+7 co-m.pared w_i-t h t*h e prio*r y+e,a r whi_le fisc+al f+ourth quarte r re.sults f,o r 2.0*0 7 a_r e on

t*rack to exce'ed t+h i,s yea.r’s thi rd qua.rter results_. O-N C+O a dditiona'lly plan*s to i_ncre_ase s*ervice of,.ferings wh'ich a,r-e c_urrentl'y,way.

Don’,t w'a_i+t f*o+r t_h e n*e,w-s to c_o+m'e o*u+t a+n-d l_o's-e t-h-e 
opp'ortuni ty to g_e+t in fron.t of the

g+eneral investi._ng pu*blic. O+ncol_ogy M e'd is in a m,ultibi,llion dol*lar indus*t+ry w'h.e+r+e t'h e-y a,r'e gai ning mark'et shar+e rapi.dly.

C a l_l y_o.u-r br_oker n'o w f,o.r O,N-C*O .

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