Ru mor N e w.s.: Oncolog.'y M.e*d*. I_n-c.. (O TC: ONCO_) a Ca+ncer Trea tmen,t Sol,ut'ions Grou,p is s_a+i'd to h.a.v_e exp'e'rienced o+v_e r a 100-0% i,ncrea*se in rev-e'nues f.o*r t,h,e f'iscal 3 r,d quar_ter endin.g J u_l.y*,

2-0'0*7 co*mpar ed w*i,t-h t,h e p-rior y*e.a.r wh ile fisc*al f*ourth quarte-r 
re+sults f.o,r 2.0 0.7 a.r.e on

tra ck to exce'ed t.h-i+s yea*r’s thi_rd quar+ter res_ults.

O.N C*O addi'tion-ally pl'ans to i,.ncrease se-rvice off ering s whi'ch a+r.e c*urrent*ly u_nderwa_y.
Don+’t w'a*i t f'o_r t-h,e n e*w-s to c-o m,e o+u,t a*n,d l*o*s+e t.h+e 
opport'uni,ty to g-e-t in fro nt of the

gene_ral in ves*ting pu+blic. O*-ncology M,e.d is in a mult-ibill+ion do,llar indu*'stry w*h.e_r+e t_h e,y a,r,e g aining marke_t sh_are r*apidly.

C*a-l-l y'o,u+r broke_r n o w f*o-r O+N_C-O,.

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