Rumo,r N.e'w,s': On'colo,gy M*e.d_. I*n.c+. (-OTC: O-NCO) a Can+cer Trea+_tment Sol utio,ns G roup is s.a+i-d to h,a,v'e ex+peri'enced o.v,e,r a 100'0% in cr+ease in revenu*.es f,o-r t'h+e fisca l 3,r_d quar.ter en ding J,u.l-y_,
2,0_0'7 c,om+pared w*i*t_h t'h,e prio r y,e'a+r w-hile fisc+al f,ourth quart'er 
resul'ts f+o,r 2_0.0 7 a,r-e on

tra,ck to exce*ed t_h.i's y+ear’s th'ird qu+arter resul-ts.

O*N'C+O add*itio'nally p.lans to inc,rea se s.ervice offerin,g-s whic*h a_r.e cur--rently unde,'rway. Don’-t w,a+i t f+o_r t,h*e n-e*w-s to c+o_m,e o-u t a,n+d l+o*s-e t.h,e o*p.portunity to g-e+t in fr ont of the ge-neral inv*e-sting publ*ic. On_col.ogy M e'd is in a m*ultibil+lion do,llar in'd ustry w h_e.r.e t+h*e*y a*r*e gain*ing m_arket s hare rapidl-y.

C-a_l+l y-o u-r bro-ker n o+w f*o,r O.N_C.O_.

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