Carlo Segre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi Slaven:
> On Tue, 15 May 2007, Slaven Rezic wrote:
> >
> > It seems that the debian version includes a patch to Pod/, which
> > changes the umlauts there to some nroff (?) notation, e.g.
> >
> > -=item auml: E<auml> รค,
> > +=item auml: E<auml> \[:a],
> >
> > I don't see what the purpose of this change. tkpod may display the
> > original Pod correctly. My version of perldoc changes the umlaut to ae
> > in the original version; with the change "\[:a]" is displayed literally.
> >
> Sorry for the delay in responding to this.  i will look into it to
> remind myself why I had to change it.  I believe it has to do with
> generating lintian errors in the other form but I just can't remember
> right now.
> It would help me to figure this out if you could point me to a module
> which has this character in it so that I can see how it behaves.  I
> presume that this is within the tkpod browser.

Just load Tk::Pod::Text in the tkpod browser. This file is located in
the Tk-Pod distribution itself, as Pod/


Slaven Rezic - slaven <at> rezic <dot> de

    tksm - Perl/Tk program for searching and replacing in multiple files

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