El Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 12:58:19AM +0200, Pierre Habouzit va escriure:
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 10:08:17PM +0000, Sergio Talens-Oliag wrote:
> > reopen 443871
> > thanks
>   I did not closed the bug, I marked it wontfix.

Yes, I noticed that when the control interface told me it was open, my fault.

>   It's not a matter of "not good enough" it's just brittle. My job is to
> provide a good sane default for 99% of the use of the software. I can't
> provide a perfect sane default for any use, so just make up your stuff
> if you need to.

I do, but I was trying to reduce the work needed.

>   You don't need to touch the init.d script, only the one in
> /etc/resolvconf/update.d/pdnsd, so please, give me a break. For your own
> system, you can hardcode the thing in there if you want, the merge will
> be trivial. (especially since it's a one liner diff).

I don't need to touch the init.d script? Are you sure?

I can add my pdnsd server to resolvconf using /etc/network/interfaces or the
/etc/resolconf/base file, but that still leaves a wrong nameserver in the
generated /etc/resolv.conf, as your init.d script always adds a ``nameserver`` to resolvconf and in my case this server is invalid.

> > Now the question is, would you accept a patch to support the use of a 
> > variable
> > in /etc/default/pdnsd to change the resolvconf server ip for manual setups?
>   I don't like the fact that you have to duplicate configuration in many
> places. That should just be automatic. and editing /etc/default/pdnsd
> _and_ /etc/pdnsd.conf is not a good solution. People will never ever
> guess they need to do things like that.

And they will know that they have to touch the init.d and resolvconf scripts?
Anyway, I also prefer the automatic way, that's why my first patch tried to do
it by itself, replicating the same value is quite awful.

> OTOH, why isn't 'any' or suitable for you ? This way, using
> still works...

I don't like to have services listening on addresses I don't want them to
listen; I know that I can fix the access problem using firewall rules, but
that complicates things for no advantage... in fact I prefer to modify all the
/etc files of pdnsd and handle them manually than add more rules to a

>   And if you want my opinion, the best fix is to patch pdnsd to be able
> to listen on multiple addresses... it's probably not _that_ hard.

That would be a good option and has additional uses, do you know why upstream
has not done it already? I have not looked at the pdnsd code, but if you
believe that it would be accepted upstream I _could try_ to add the multiple
addresses support.

Sergio Talens-Oliag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   <http://people.debian.org/~sto/>
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