On Wed, Sep 26, 2007 at 10:32:39PM +0200, Ariszló wrote:
> On 9/26/07, Bill Allombert wrote:
> > could you point me where the XDG draft forbid space inside the Icon
> > field? The only requirement I can find is that it should be
> > an UTF-8 string.
> Nowhere, so call it an implementation issue if you like. However, it
> has never been considered the brightest idea to use spaces in file
> names because they may break things unexpectedly as they do here. You
> will not find spaces in the file names of the binary executables in
> /usr/bin or in the file names of the libraries in /usr/lib or in the
> icon names of standard icon themes.

Well but that does not make space in the icon field "incorrect".
Beside the Icon field is not specified to be a filename in that case.

What is the exact failure condition ? If some application cannot
handle some UTF-8 strings as a valid Icon field, then either the 
application or the draft standard is broken.

I do not mind working around this issue, but I do not want GNOME 
bugs to be ascribed to menu-xdg.


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