Josselin Mouette schrieb:
> Le vendredi 28 septembre 2007 à 14:55 +0200, Michael Biebl a écrit :
>>> This is why it is a good idea for *all* Pango and GTK+ plugins to be
>>> linked with -Bsymbolic. This option guarantees that a function in
>>> libtrackerclient that calls "foo" will obtain the function "foo" defined
>>> in libtrackerclient, nothing else.
>> There are also clients which directly link against libtrackerclient
>> (like nautilus or tracker-search-tool). Would this have a negative
>> effect for them?
> They wouldn't be able to override some functions in libtrackerclient,
> but applications doing such things are rare, and I'm pretty sure none of
> them does such things with libtrackerclient. And certainly not nautilus
> and tracker-search-tool.

Ok then. I'll include the proposed changes in the next upload.

Thanks a lot for the detailed answers.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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