The vulnerability does NOT exist in eGroupWare, as the code does NOT get

  // finally our print our footer
  if (is_object($GLOBALS['egw'])) {
  } else {
    require_once(APP_ROOT . '/includes/system_footer.php');

include/system_footer.php also prevents direct calling via the URL.

So I can only second Peters opinion that the fix is not necessary,
thought it does not hurt, as the (fixed) code never get's called in eGW.

eGroupWare developer and admin
Ralf Becker
eGroupWare Training & Support ==>
Outdoor Unlimited Training GmbH []
Handelsregister HRB Kaiserslautern 3587
Geschäftsführer Birgit und Ralf Becker
Leibnizstr. 17, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Telefon +49 (0)631 31657-0

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