Le vendredi 19 octobre 2007, Norbert Preining a écrit :
> Dear Kohda-san,
> On Fr, 19 Okt 2007, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:
> > Where comes a difference with hps.pro? (it is in Bastien's
> > message but not in Norbert's)
> Thanks for spotting this.
> Bastien, can you confirm the crash WITHOUT the hps.pro, otherwise we
> cannot investigate further.

Confirm without /home/bastien.../hps.pro (a simple copy for testing)

sh-3.1$ dvips -z test.dvi
This is dvips(k) 5.96.1 Copyright 2007 Radical Eye Software 
' TeX output 2007.10.18:1824' -> test.ps
</usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/type1/bluesky/cm/cmr10.pfb>[1Erreur de 

I am quite sure that it is a bufferoverflow. I have modified hpc.c (by hand) 
but it refuse to compile due to a "conflict with debian patch system", will 
retry today.



> Best wishes
> Norbert
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>---- Dr. Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        Vienna University of
> Technology Debian Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        
> Debian TeX Group gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094      fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76 
> A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>---- VIRGINSTOW (n.)
> A Durex machine which doesn't have the phrase 'So was the Titanic'
> scrawled on it. The word has now fallen into disuse.
>                       --- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff


                                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ainsi, les mises à jour de MultideskOS ne changeront RIEN !  Le  nouveau
système tournera mieux, sera plus rapide, plus stable,  comportera  plus
de commandes, mais sera exactement le même qu'avant la mise à  jour.  
-- Jayce - Tout est dans le rien, et réciproquement. --

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