tags 448606 pending

Dne Tue, 30 Oct 2007 12:15:24 +0100
Florian Lohoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napsal(a):

> in case you decide to enter a number with spaces e.g. "+49 171 2280134"
> wammu happily accepts this via cut'n'paste but later fails to write the
> number to the phone dropping all entered information.
> Actually this is a multifold bug - I would expect wammu to allow any
> input and normalize the number automatically or warn if impossible and
> thus should silently remove spaces or maybe tell the user about a
> broken format.
> It should not fail and drop all entered information.

You're right. At some point wxPython seems to changed interface to
validators and I didn't notice this, so the code which was supposed to
do this did exactly nothing. Fixed in SVN.

> As a side note there is also a editing bug hidden. When pasting a number
> with spaces like the above one is not able to add a single digit anymore
> as long as a space is contained in the number.

The space is now removed from pasted number.

        Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com

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