On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 02:55:48PM +0100, Micha Lenk wrote:

> > The GNUmed package cannot delete KVK files from the KVKd spool directory
> > after processing them. This is legally required if certification of the
> > KVK reading system is sought after.
> Could you please document the process of what you did, what you expected
> to happen, what really happened? This will help me to reproduce the
> problem. At the moment I'm a little lost with understanding it.

apt-get install libchipcard3-tools

mkdir /var/spool/kvkd/

chown chipcard.chipcard /var/spool/kvkd/

edit /etc/chipcard/server/chipcardd3.conf to point to
/var/spool/kvkd/ in the kvkd section at the bottom

/etc/init.d/libchipcard3-tools restart

insert KVK in reader

data is written to /var/spool/kvkd/KVK-*.dat

file is "rw-r--r-- chipcard.chipcard KVK-*.dat"

start GNUmed as any user

press F2 to load patients from external sources (such as
kvkd provided KVKs in /var/spool/kvkd/)

select KVK

patient is imported and activated

at this point deletion of the KVK-*.dat from
/var/spool/kvkd/ is required if the system is to be
certified for use in German doctor's offices, since we don't
have a way to signal kvkd that we don't need the file
anymore we would like to delete it ourselves

However, since the user doesn't have permissions to delete
the file that isn't possible.

If the file was created as "rw-rw-r--" we could set
/var/spool/kvkd/ to SGID "chipcard.gnumed" such that newly
created files are then writeable by group gnumed. Both the
GNUmed users and chipcard would be added to group gnumed.

Thus, any GNUmed user could delete the KVK files.

> > Creating the KVK files with group write permissions on would allow to
> > fix the problem. This should be a one-line change in kvkd.
> Could you provide a patch?
I'll have to look into that. It should, however, amount to
changing the write mode of a file in one place in the code.

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