
Le vendredi 23 novembre 2007 à 07:57 +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen a
écrit :
> Thank you for your feedback.  It is very motivating to hear from other
> testeres of insserv.
Oh the project is very motivating, so I really hope we will soon have a
good system for fast boot :-)
I see a lot of things on debian-init-ng list. insserv is one of them,
and I really like update-bootsysem-insserv, it works not too bad

> Actually, it reads:
>    In the future, the /etc/rc6.d/SXXxxxx scripts MIGHT be moved to
>    /etc/rc6.d/K1XXxxxx for clarity.
> This is probably not a usable solution, as most systems using the
> sequence number demands that they are two digits.

Yes of course you're right

> The bug you are describing is real, that the shutdown sequence is
> slightly incorrect, but the fix will not work properly with insserv,
> as insserv require the sequence number to be only two digits.
Ok I see, so why not keep the current scripts ? I mean not rename the S to K ?
Doesn't insserv know how to deal with S script in 0 and 6 runlevel ?

> The real bug here is that insserv is sometimes confused when using the
> *-stop dependency information, and fail to generate a correct shutdown
> and halt sequence.  This is why enabling dependency based boot is
> still an exerimental feature, hidden deep inside the postinst script.
> I'm working with upstream to try to figure out why this do not work as
> expected.
Ok, great to hear that :-)

> Admins deciding to enable it after reading this text get to keep all
> the pieces if it break.  I'm lovering the severity to important
> because of this.
Ok it's right. I wasn't sure of the severity of the bug.

Thank you very much for your work.

Martin Braure de Calignon

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