I can verify this behaviour of syslinux. To create bootable
CDs under debian, we have a chroot-woody installed.

Any bootimage burned to a CD using unstables syslinux (as of
the time of this writing: 2.11-0.1) makes the CDs non-bootable.

The symptoms are either an empty screen with the cursor blinking
in the upper left hand corner after the boot process started
(iso generated with mkisofs burned directly) or the boot process
loads the boot image, starts unpacking the kernel and then 
displays colorful ANSI junk on screen (if the ISO has been
padded with a megabyte of binary 0's from /dev/zero before
burning). In the later case the bootprocess doesn't seem to be 
able to finish extracting the kernel before exploding.

Since this seems to be reproduceable, I can supply more 
information if needed. 



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