On Sun, 2 Dec 2007 20:56:23 +1000 Kel Modderman wrote:

> Ok, there are too many damn numbers listed below with references. But
> you get the picture I hope, that I'm concerned about the direction the
> maintainers [10] intend to take in order to fix this issue, and that
> I've laid out as much information, patch and help that I can to try
> and convince them there is a better solution.

FWIW, I agree that patching /etc/init.d/halt is not a general solution,
since it cannot distinguish between different libata disks when they
behave differently.

I hope Debian sysvinit maintainers will patch src/hddown.c as soon as

 Need to read a Debian testing installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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