Package: less
Version: 409-1





The man page for less contains:


       v      Invokes  an  editor  to edit the current file being
viewed.  The

              editor is taken from the environment variable VISUAL if

              or  EDITOR if VISUAL is not defined, or defaults to "vi"
if nei-

              ther VISUAL nor EDITOR is defined.  See also the
discussion  of

              LESSEDIT under the section on PROMPTS below.


On my system:

$ export | egrep "EDITOR|VISUAL"

Returns nothing, yet my editor defaults to nano.


More precisely, my editor defaults to /etc/alternatives/editor, which I
have now changed to vim, so I'm happy.


Either this behaviour should be changed to be in line with the man page
or the man page should be changed to be in line with the behaviour.


Thank you


Martin Lee

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