Package: installation-reports


Debian-installer-version: 27 April 2005
uname -a: Linux ghostbox 2.6.8-2-686 #1 Mon Jan 24 03:58:38 EST 2005 i686
Date: Fre Apr 29 17:06:03 CEST 2005
Method: booted from debian/testing-cd, startet expert26

Machine: Asus A7v600 - AMD Duron 1300A - 128mb noname ram - WD 8GB HD
(taken from xbox)
Processor: AMD Duron 1300A
Memory: 128mb noname
Root Device: IDE WD 8GB
Root Size/partition table:

ghostbox:~# fdisk /dev/hda

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/hda: 8004 MB, 8004132864 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 973 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *           1         729     5855661   83  Linux
/dev/hda2             730         973     1959930    5  Extended
/dev/hda5             730         973     1959898+  82  Linux swap

ghostbox:~# mount
/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)

Output of lspci and lspci -n:
ghostbox:~# lspci
0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8377 [KT400/KT600 AGP]
Host Bridge (rev 80)
0000:00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 PCI Bridge
0000:00:0c.0 VGA compatible unclassified device: S3 Inc. 86c864 [Vision
864 DRAM] vers 1
0000:00:0d.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
0000:00:0f.0 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA
RAID Controller (rev 80)
0000:00:0f.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc.
VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
0000:00:10.0 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1
Controller (rev 81)
0000:00:10.1 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1
Controller (rev 81)
0000:00:10.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1
Controller (rev 81)
0000:00:10.3 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1
Controller (rev 81)
0000:00:10.4 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 86)
0000:00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 ISA bridge [K8T800
0000:00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II]
(rev 78)
0000:00:13.0 IDE interface: Silicon Image, Inc. (formerly CMD Technology
Inc) PCI0680 Ultra ATA-133 Host Controller (rev 02)
ghostbox:~# lspci -n
0000:00:00.0 0600: 1106:3189 (rev 80)
0000:00:01.0 0604: 1106:b198
0000:00:0c.0 0001: 5333:88c1
0000:00:0d.0 0200: 10ec:8139 (rev 10)
0000:00:0f.0 0104: 1106:3149 (rev 80)
0000:00:0f.1 0101: 1106:0571 (rev 06)
0000:00:10.0 0c03: 1106:3038 (rev 81)
0000:00:10.1 0c03: 1106:3038 (rev 81)
0000:00:10.2 0c03: 1106:3038 (rev 81)
0000:00:10.3 0c03: 1106:3038 (rev 81)
0000:00:10.4 0c03: 1106:3104 (rev 86)
0000:00:11.0 0601: 1106:3227
0000:00:12.0 0200: 1106:3065 (rev 78)
0000:00:13.0 0101: 1095:0680 (rev 02)

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot worked:    [O]
Configure network HW:   [O]
Config network:         [O]
Detect CD:              [O]
Load installer modules: [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O]
Partition hard drives:  [O]
Create file systems:    [O]
Mount partitions:       [O]
Install base system:    [O]
Install boot loader:    [O]
Reboot:                 [O]


best regards / mit freundlichen gruessen

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