On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 20:50 -0600, Ming Hua wrote:
> My chain of events:
> - Upgrade cli-common from 0.4.9 to 0.5.0, and libmono-addins{,-gui}2.0-cil
>   from 0.2-4 to 0.3~svn.r90520-1.

cli-common 0.5.0 does not fix the issue

> - Upgrade cli-common from 0.5.0 to 0.5.2.

Doesn't doesnt help, as the problem is during package installation of
libraries that use cli-common, thus >= cli-common 0.5.1 needs to be
installed and libraries using that needs to be re-installed, else it
will have no effect at all (thats the corner case).

> - Tomboy still doesn't start.  I don't think I've tried using tomboy
>   between the two upgrade.

As expected, the crash with partial upgrades looks different
(System.IO.FileNotFoundException vs System.InvalidOperationException).

> My solution/workaround:
> Run "dpkg-reconfigure" on all three packages: libmono-addins2.0-cil,
> libmono-addins-gui2.0-cil, and tomboy.

tomyboy doesn't need to be re-configured, libmono-addins0.2-cil _and_
libmono-addins-gui2.0-cil is sufficient.

> After that my tomboy runs normally.  The full log of error messages is
> attached.

I checked your log, and you reconfigured libmono-addins0.2-cil (but
_not_ libmono-addins2.0-cil) and started tomboy (thats the "partial
upgrade" as the policy file of one library is still msising)
Then you got the System.InvalidOperationException, the corner case.
Then you reconfigured libmono-addins-gui0.2-cil, which installs the 2.
policy file, but doesn't solve the broken addin DB in ~/.tomboy, thus it
still crashes till it become rebuild (which happens when it gets


Mirco 'meebey' Bauer

PGP-Key ID: 0xEEF946C8

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