On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 06:31:50PM +0100, Lo?c Minier wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 06, 2007, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > > Regardless, even requiring debian/rules to be a makefile doesn't
> > > actually do much, because someone could do something like: 
> > > .DEFAULT: 
> > >     debian/irule $@
> > > or whatever.
> > > People should be using make, but if they have a valid reason for doing
> > > something else, policy shouldn't get in the way.
> > And policy doesn't get in their way, because they can just do the above...
>  Except it completely breaks any hope to benefit of this new Policy
>  requirement:

Uh, this isn't a new policy requirement. It's been a MUST in policy for
years before you even applied to be a DD, eg.

>  - passing -j2 might not be honored (Policy doesn't require it anyway)
>  - querying the list of targets (to check for build-arch for example)
>    with a make flag wont work either (Policy doesn't require it anyway)

That's true -- but at least by specifically hacking your way out of
make land by something like the above, it's clear that it's your job to
make those features work. It'll partially honour those things too, eg
"make -j2 binary-indep binary-all" will run both targets at once.

As opposed to writing debian/rules as a #!/bin/sh script and then
wondering why people are invoking it with weird flags, multiple targets,
or variables as parameters instead of in the environment.


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