On Thu, 13 Dec 2007, Kumar Appaiah wrote:

On behalf of the QA group, I have been looking at packages which are
blocking the removal of libraries currently in the section oldlibs,
and paul is one of them, depending on imlib. With the aim
of fixing as many of the depending as possible to pave the way for
gradual removal of imlib, I would request you to consider
moving to imlib2.

As far as I know there is no easy upgrade path from imlib to
imlib2 (please correct me if I'm wrong).  Because this would require
massive code changes and testing for a so far working program I
see no reason for a bug of severity "normal" and would like to
decrease severity to "wishlist".  Patches are very welcome but
I'm currently working on more pressing things than this.  If
removal of imlib1 would be a release goal I would rather think
about removal of paul than invest the needed amount of time into
a low popcon package.

This does in no way disregard your QA work and in principle I
agree that keeping old libraries is a security risk - but you
always have to find a reasonable ballance between effort and
effect for whole Debian.

BTW, it would be sane to announce such kind of mass bug filing
on debian-devel ...

Kind regards



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