> I am not asking you to do any work on SCons.  I am asking you to provide
> me with enough information to allow me to debug the problem.  So far I
> have done several tests based on the extremely limited information which 
> you have provided, none of which have shown any problem so I can't
> really do anything.  If you would provide me with enough information to
> allow me to see the problem occurring on my systems I would be able to
> investigate the problem and hopefully do something to fix it.
> I really do not understand your reluctance to provide me with this
> information.

i was trying to debug nova, not scons ... but here you go:
- check out nova from git, go to the threaded_dsp branch
- run scons compact_build=True system_boost=True pch=True
omit_frame_pointer=True libsamplerate=True debug/py_nova.so -j2
- change the file source/kernel/ugen/dsp_thread.hpp ... add a new line
or anything that changes it's md5 sum

that should trigger a rebuild of the pch, most object files and
debug/py_nova.so ... 

> > does any other distribution except debian package checkpoint releases?
> > afaict, neither ubuntu, gentoo or fedora do so ...
> I don't know; you'd have to look at the other distributions and ask the
> people responsible for the SCons packages in them.  I do know that
> Ubuntu has snapshots too (AFAICT they're going to put one in their next
> release as well).



There's no such entity as "most people". These are generalities. All
generalities are meaningless. You've got to pin it down to a specific
person doing a specific thing at a specific time and space.
  William S. Burroughs

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