Mohammed Adnène Trojette wrote:
> What's significantly different from grep-excuses in wipnity?

I have little idea since I have never used grep-excuses before.  However, 
from looking at it now, it seems that grep-excuses doesn't work for 
source package names, and doesn't give all the information that wipnity 
does, such as build dependency info (and it gives some information that 
wipnity doesn't, such as the maintainer name and bugs fixed).

> As I see the script is really short, couldn't it be merged into
> grep-excuses as an option?

It probably could.  However since I'm not a regular user (or, really no 
user at all) of grep-excuses, I'm probably not the best person to decide 
how it should be merged.

I see that devscripts is team-maintained.  What do the other members of 
your team think?


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