So, I know swig 1.3.33 is not supported in Subversion 1.4.x (and not in
trunk either?), but it seems to have changed a couple of things that
break the ruby bindings.

The first is removing #include "rubyhead.swg" from the top of
libsvn_swig_ruby/swigutil_rb.c, which has already been dealt with in
trunk.  That change fails to support swig 1.3.25, so it can't be
unconditional in 1.4.x.

The second is a repeated failure in 'make check-swig-rb':

TypeError: Expected argument 1 of type svn_auth_baton_t *, but got Array []
        in SWIG method 'auth_baton'
    {SRC}/subversion/bindings/swig/ruby/svn/client.rb:74:in `auth_baton='
    {SRC}/subversion/bindings/swig/ruby/svn/client.rb:74:in `initialize'
    {SRC}/subversion/bindings/swig/ruby/svn/client.rb:60:in `__send__'
    {SRC}/subversion/bindings/swig/ruby/svn/client.rb:60:in `new'
    {SRC}/subversion/bindings/swig/ruby/test/util.rb:208:in `make_context'
    {SRC}/subversion/bindings/swig/ruby/test/util.rb:136:in `setup_wc'
    {SRC}/subversion/bindings/swig/ruby/test/util.rb:28:in `setup_basic'
    {SRC}/subversion/bindings/swig/ruby/test/test_wc.rb:11:in `setup'

Unfortunately I don't know enough about either swig or ruby to figure
out what's wrong here and how to fix it.  Roderich Schupp dug further
in - can
anyone figure out the rest of the problem and solution?


(This is preventing me from uploading 1.4.6 to Debian, where largely
for philosophical reasons I build the whole package from source.)
Peter Samuelson | org-tld!p12n!peter |

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