This one time, at band camp, KaalH! said:
> Stephen Gran a écrit :
> hum, you're right about the "standard practice", but isn't "invoke-rc.d
> --quiet foo reload > /dev/null" better ?
> I think "...freshclam > /dev/null" redirect stdout only, and
> "...freshclam 2>&1 > /dev/null" redirect stderr to stdout to /dev/null,
> am I wrong ?

That is correct.

> >as a postrotate script.
> >
> >If you are getting ahngs in freshclam, there is either a problem with
> >freshclam itself, or with the envirnment calling it.  An investigation
> >in that direction seems in order.  The redirection of output itself
> >seems unlikely to cause any harm, unless there is something wierd with
> >your environment.
> >  
> >
> yes, smthg may be broken.
> I'm testing for several days, and the "--quiet" really makes a
> difference, even if I don't know exactly why.
> what about "...freshclam --quiet > /dev/null" ?

Again, that misses warning messages.  --quiet eliminates messages at
level verbose, normal, and warning.  I would like the admin to see
messages at level warning and error.  Since warning and error level
messages go to stderr, the script only needs to throw away stdout in
order to achieve the desired effect.

You say you're on a vserver - do you not have /dev/null, or is it
inaccessible to you?  That would be odd, but I suppose it's possible.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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