On Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 10:17:11 +0100, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
> No, it's reproducible in a regular sid environment as well, both with the
> example you supplied and with the reproduction steps from your original
> report. I have reopened the upstream bug report and will see what upstream
> has to say.

I've been talking to upstream (Jean Brefort), and it appears things are a
bit more subtle than I thought.

Gnumeric's graphs can contain multiple charts and can have titles both at
the chart level and at the level of the graph as a whole.
Excel however has only one chart per graph, and only one title, so not
everything you can construct in Gnumeric graph-wise can accurately be
represented in the Excel format.

Currently, what Gnumeric saves is the chart title, but but in the example
you sent, the title is a graph title, not a chart title, so it doesn't get

Jean has provided a patch which will save the graph title, when there is no
chart title, which seems to be the best way to deal with this. I'll test
that patch and report back to him.

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