On Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 11:21:33AM +0100, Michael Weitzel wrote:

> 1. the value of the "hostname" configuration variable must not contain
> the fqdn of the upstream news-server. If it does, the article is
> accepted by the upstream news-server and available on it -- but not
> delivered further because of a duplicate entry in the Path header. =>
> "hostname" should contain a resolvable fqdn of the client.

If hostname contains anything other than a FQDN for the client then this
is a user configuration error.  The reason it is configurable is that
some systems may not be able to automatically determine a sensible value
- for example, systems that operate disconnected from the internet are
often configured like that - and so need a way to manually specify one.

> The only constraint is that the string after @ is a resolvable domain name.

That is not the case.  The hostname used for the Message-Id should be
unique in order to minimise the possibility of duplicate Message-Ids
being generated for different articles.  It doesn't need to be
resolvable, it just needs to be something that is not used by any other

The problem with the Path entry looks like an interop issue with the
server concerned; I'm surprised that server doesn't run into more
problems.  I'm discussing this with the Leafnode author now.

"You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever."

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