On dim, 2008-01-13 at 10:21 +0100, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> For a while now some folks have been going around asking various package
> maintainers to inject dh_icons and/or dh_desktop calls into the package build
> rules.  The basic argument appears to be that your package needs to do this so
> that my desktop environment will work correctly.  I don't think this approach
> has correct and sustainable principles.  

Debian has always been about integration. Don’t you register your
documentation with doc-base so that your application integrates with
centralized documentation systems? Don’t you register your fonts with
defoma so that applications using it can actually see the fonts?

The same goes for desktop environments. You need to register your icons
so that they are correctly cached (icon loading is one of the biggest
performance issues on desktops), and to register your desktop files so
that the MIME registry works.

> And what is more, if some random third
> packages or user environments dictate what other, unrelated packages have to 
> do
> to function with them, we will in practice never reach a state where 
> everything
> works.  

It is not a random user environment. It is the accepted standard for the
three main desktops we are shipping.

> Furthermore, if other desktop environments come up with their own
> variants of icon caching of MIME file registration (since these are supposedly
> Free Desktop standards) or perhaps completely new file registration
> requirements, we will have an unmaintainable mess of competing implementations
> of registration scripts, and thousands of packages stuck in a transition
> somewhere between all of them.

But we are not talking about other desktop environments. If you were
asked to use dh_desktop, it is because your application *does* ship
Freedesktop .desktop files. If you were asked to use dh_icons, your
package *does* include icons in the Freedesktop directory hierarchy.

Furthermore, the update-mime-database and update-icon-caches commands
have very simple APIs which mean we can replace them easily with other
implementations if someone wants to design them.

> It seems to me that, in principle, if some third package or user environment
> wants something to be done for its own functional benefit, it should be its 
> own
> responsibility to arrange that, instead of bothering thousands of other
> packages with it.

Is it the desktop environment’s or the package’s own functional benefit
to have the application launched when you click on a file of the related
type, or to have a visible icon? This is merely a philosophical

> This appears to be the only robust and maintainable
> approach.  On a technical level, the best approach would appear to be
> implementing some sort of global dpkg postinst and postrm hooks.  Perhaps 
> there
> are other ideas, but the current approach needs to stop; it won't work.

I thought dpkg triggers had been sufficiently advertised, but it seems
the mails haven’t reached the (deep ?) place you are living in.

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