On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 06:23:19PM +0000, Kai Hendry wrote:
> On Jan 21, 2008 6:03 PM, Gonzalo Marcote Peña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> mmm, i understand... So it will be a dificult solution...or make one package
>> per language...

> So I think we can add language support as customers, sorry Debian
> Users request them in the wordpress package.

The "download language support for a specific language" wordpress
pages seem to usually be in that language...

So, if I have a user that will not disappear that gives me:

 - the URL of the "wordpress in language FOO" project, and where it is
   linked to from wordpress.org
 - a direct URL to download the current version of FOO.mo (and
   themes/default-FOO, if available), so that I don't have to look
   in a page whose language I don't understand to find the downloads,
   neither understand whether they are current with respect to the
   version of wordpress we ship.
 - a promise to promptly give me the updated above URLs on new version
   of wordpress.
 - acknowledgement he understands the said language may be dropped if
   said URLs are not provided for new versions.

Then I'd be happy to process his request. Else, I'm sorry, there's no
way I can meaningfully commit to supporting a language where the
translator is like the Spanish one: The es_ES download URL is
http://alexseo.com/descargas/es_ES.mo . There's no way I can guess for
what version this is... If it were, say,
http://alexseo.com/descargas/wordpress-es/2.3.2/es_ES.mo, then when I
see http://alexseo.com/descargas/wordpress-es/2.5/es_ES.mo appear, OK,
I know it is for 2.5.

Compare with the French download page: http://fr.wordpress.org/releases/
A table with versions and download links. Even if I don't understand
one word, I get the idea. A language where the translator is like
that, I can support much easier, without the promise from the user to
help me every time I need a new version; he just gives me the URL of
that page, and I'm OK.


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