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On 22-01-2008 07:28, Diego de Soto wrote:
> Hi Felipe,
> Is the following (with a specific subject line) acceptable?
> Package: installation-reports
> Version: 4.0
> Boot method: <4.0 r1 "Etch" - Official i386 BC Binary - 1 20070820 -
> 20:20 CD> Image version: <4.0 r1 "Etch" - Official i386 BC Binary - 1
> 20070820 - 20:20 CD> Date: <14 Dec. 2007> Machine: <HP Pavilion
> dv6519ea> Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo T7100 Memory: 1 GB RAM, 120 GB HD
> Partitions: <3 GB ext2 & 3 GB swap area> Output of lspci -nn and lspci
> -vnn: not sure what this means and don't have time to find out, sorry
> Base System Installation Checklist: [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please
> elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Initial boot: [O] Detect network
> card: [O] Configure network: [E] Detect CD: [O] Load installer modules:
> [O?] Detect hard drives: [O] Partition hard drives: [O] Install base
> system: [E] Clock/timezone setup: [O] User/password setup: [O] Install
> tasks: [ ] Install boot loader: [ ] Overall install:
> [E] Comments/Problems: <First of all, I don't remember if the loading of
> the installer modules went well; hence the question mark. When setting
> up the network, I get an error message: "Network autoconfiguration
> failed". This may simply be due to the fact that I don't have an
> internet connection. When I try to install the base system, I get the
> following error messages: "Debootstrap Error" and "Failed to determine
> the codename for the release." Also, due in part to the non-intuitive
> nature of the installation instructions, I deleted part of Windows
> (enough so that I no longer had access to it) during the partitioning
> process.>
> Thanks,
> Diego

        Sorry, no.  The problem is not the subject line, is the
structure, it should be well formatted, otherwise people will
have to spend time formatting your text to understand what's
going on, and considering the number of bugs that people involved
in D-I needs to deal and read everyday, the better you write the
bug report the easier you get feedback and problems solved. :-)

        Your e-mail should be something like:

[O] Configure network
[E] Detect CD
[O] Load installer modules

        Instead of everything in the same line. The
installation-report has a structure, we just need you keep that
structure and take care for your e-mail client do not mess with
it. Once you give us a clearer information about what happened,
I'm sure people will look into it and try to help.

        You can also look for help in debian-user mail list:


        I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
"Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!"
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