Thank you.

Please note that I do not know how to reproduce the bug, it just happens.
Sometimes I had it more than twice in the same day, other times I can be
working for a week without the crash.

I think the crash is favoured when the virtual desktop I am switching to has
a window whose content is changing at this moment, but I am not sure.

So, what do I have to do? To manually launch gdb and wait until a crash

Thank you.

On 15/02/2008, Brice Goglin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could you catch a debugging backtrace with gdb? This one is far from
> containing what we need to debug the problem unfortunately.
> You'll have to install xserver-xorg-core-dbg, libpixman-1-0-dbg and
> xserver-xorg-video-ait-dbg. See
> for details and
> feel free to ask.
> Brice

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