Stephen Gran a écrit :

>On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 11:24:49AM +0200, KaalH! said:
>>Stephen Gran a écrit :
>>>This one time, at band camp, KaalH! said:
>>>>please apply this patch to add stderr loggging. This is for multilog/svlogd.
>>>>It allows "LogFile stderr" configuration option
>>>LogFile /dev/stderr 
>>>not work for you?
>>>Just remember to use LogFileUnlock with it :)
>>I'm using runit
>>chpst -uclamav /usr/sbin/clamd
>>ERROR: Can't open /dev/stderr in append mode (check permissions!).
>>ERROR: Problem with internal logger. Please check the permissions on the
>>/dev/stderr file.
>>ls -aLl /dev/stderr
>>crw--w----  1 kaalh tty 136, 6 May  6 10:17 /dev/stderr
>>none on /dev/pts type devpts (gid=5,mode=620)
>>adding clamav to tty group and chpst -uclamav:tty /usr/sbin/clamd
>>produce the same error
>>my clamd.conf contains
>>LogFile /dev/stderr
>>LogFileMaxSize 0
>>my runit script :
>>exec 2>&1
>>exec chpst -uclamav /usr/sbin/clamd
>>if you don't use runit you can reproduce this with
>>sudo -P -u clamav /usr/sbin/clamd
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ grep LogFile /etc/clamav/clamd.conf
>LogFile /dev/stderr
>LogFileMaxSize 0
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon start >/dev/null
>Mon May  9 16:30:35 2005 -> +++ Started at Mon May  9 16:30:35 2005
>Mon May  9 16:30:35 2005 -> clamd daemon 0.84 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: i386, CPU: 
>Mon May  9 16:30:35 2005 -> Log file size limit disabled.
>Mon May  9 16:30:35 2005 -> Running as user clamav (UID 106, GID 106)
>Mon May  9 16:30:35 2005 -> Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Protecting against 34294 viruses.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Unix socket file /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Setting connection queue length to 15
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Archive: Archived file size limit set to 10485760 
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Archive: Recursion level limit set to 5.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Archive: Files limit set to 1000.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Archive: Compression ratio limit set to 250.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Archive support enabled.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Archive: RAR support disabled.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Archive: Blocking archives that exceed limits.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Portable Executable support enabled.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Detection of broken executables enabled.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Mail files support enabled.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> OLE2 support enabled.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> HTML support enabled.
>Mon May  9 16:30:36 2005 -> Self checking every 3600 seconds.
>Seems to be writing to stderr to me.  Perhaps chpst is broken?
hoho, there's no "start-stop-daemon -u clamav"  and/or
"start-stop-daemon -c clamav"   in /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon, but clamd
runs as clamav user :o

clamd seems to turn himself as clamav user, so it needs to be lanched as
root and not as clamav like i made it with chpst.
Is this correct ?

if so, not using chpst will solve my problem.
I hope there's no security issue doing this ...


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