Am Thu, 28 Feb 2008 22:07:57 +0100
schrieb Vincent Fourmond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 

>   I've just noticed using top that xmms2d is using 16% of my CPU power to play
> a MP3 song, while the old xmms was burning only 2 to 3%. Why is that so ? Even
> though it might sound ridiculous, that might be a severe problem for less
> fancy hardware.

Part of that may be that it uses MAD for mp3 decoding, while old xmms decoder 
was based on some code from mpg123.
There's an alternative decoder pending on xmms2 mantis, based on libmpg123.
That one is faster, though there are other points for xmms2 being slower, I 
guess (like, being a more complex program).

Alrighty then,

Thomas (happening to be mpg123 maintainer, so a bit biased there;-).

Thomas Orgis - Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer (
OrgisNetzOrganisation ---)=-
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