On 09/03/08 at 17:41 +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 05:00:13PM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> >On 21/02/08 at 22:55 +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> >> I am working on fixing this, for uw-imap and 30-40 other packages :-)
> >No need to. The change in grep was reverted, so your usage is still OK!
> That's good news!
> But anyway, since I now spent several days (yeah - I am slow) rewriting 
> my copyright-check routine in perl with nicer and more reliable output, 
> I will probably update all the packages anyway.

Have you thought about forwarding your rule to the cdbs maintainers? If
30-40 packages are using it, it might be worth moving there (and would
make things easier to fix).
| Lucas Nussbaum
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
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